Friday, 13 December 2013


Dear readers,

As this is my first post on a completely new blog, please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Alexander De Lancker, I am a huge audiophile as well as guitar fan. I have been playing myself for about a decade and during that period I have been asked how I get my tone, and how other people could get this or that tone themselves. I have noticed that more and more people are asking and wondering how to create a great setup (pedalboard, guitar, etc.). So that is what I am going to do the next months and (hopefully) years to come.
I am going to share with you my tips, tricks and knowledge to get exactly the tone you want based on your preferences.


The next few months, I hope to cover enough material to suffice to both the beginners and more advanced players. I hope to show you my own gear as well as giving you insights and knowledge about how to create tone, how to keep it and how to improve it.
I will also share some great websites with you and I will also try to give my opinion about some of the articles I read about new and existing products on the market.


I have been using the internet for years for a primary source to create my tone, but there are a lot of sites out there that do not cover what might actually be of use for you.
That is where I hope to step in. I would like to pass on my knowledge and answer your questions directly.
It does not matter whether it is one person who reads this or hundreds of people. I just want to make a difference for the people that are looking to improve their tone, setup etc.


I am a very busy man, so I cannot promise you anything, but I will try to post an article myself every month (and more likely every 2 weeks) and I will comment and pass on websites every time I get to something new to cover.
I will try to answer questions within 48 hours as I know how frustrating it is to wait for an answer :)

So there you go,
I hope that I will be able to help you out with your pressing questions
and I will see you soon in my very first article!

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